This is a strange website. In fact, it's not primarily a website - it's a cross between - an open, ongoing research project - a creative portal - a journal - a lifelog or timecapsule - a portfolio - a CV Some people call it 'working with the garage door open'. I'm a "creative [[Synonyms for Generalist|generalist]]". If you don't know what that is, I encourage you to explore the 'Generalism' and 'Creativity' sections of this website, or just read [[Specialization is for insects|this quote]]. Or just remember this: **specialisation is for insects**. [[Now|This is what I'm currently into]]. I do a lot of research and thinking in and around a diverse set up topics. I often come up with new ideas and concepts, as well as remixing old ones into new forms. I'd like to share this research and thinking with you, and everyone else. There's no commercial incentive here. Nothing you can buy. You'll find notes, drafts, articles, essays, research, projects, even entire books. You'll notice that if you just browse around, much of the content is interlinked, a bit like how our brains (should) work. That's the easiest way to explore my thinking and creative projects. ### On this site These projects are hosted entirely here and are listed newest first: - [[Introduction|Training Bible]]: a big compendium of training techniques, exercises, workouts and ideas across the spectrum of training styles - [[Ultimate Rucking/What is Ultimate Rucking?|Ultimate Rucking]]: a lightly gamified version of rucking that involves missions, gear and skills that I concocted in 2024. There's a Strava community you can join if you're interested - [[00 - Introduction|The Strands]]: a potentially life-changing psychological exercise for generalists and multipotentialites that I developed during 2023. You'll find details of how to self-conduct the exercise - [[00 - Title Page|The Self Investment Mentality]]: a self-development book, mostly related to Intention-Manifestation, that I self-published in 2014 - [[00 - Say No! to the Office|Say No! to the Office]]: a blog focusing on business, entrepreneurship and personal development that I started in 2008 and wrote up to about 2015 - [[Academic Research Index|Academic Research]]: links to my thesis and papers from the academic research I conducted on voicing in fricatives up to about 2009 - [[00 - Photography|Photography]]: gradually trying to collect up some of my favourite shots and projects - [[00 - Woodworking|Woodworking]]: some of the larger woodworking projects I've built, with photos - **Articles & Essays**: a collection of published articles and essays, some pretty old - [[00 - Featured In|Featured In]]: snippets and cuttings from books, articles and interviews I've been featured in over the years - [[Project Graveyard]]: a collection of short-lived, abandoned or just outright failed projects ### Elsewhere - [The Tapas Lunch Company]( the spanish-food import company I founded in the UK in 2005 and that is still going strong to this day - [Pakk]( the ERP/eCommerce platform for SMEs that I built and am currently the CTO of - [Blocktrader]( prototype for a fast-paced trading game I built in around 2017 - [CoverFromAnotherMother]( My YouTube channel featuring cheesy piano covers of classic tunes - [Github]( My Github profile and (mostly Golang) repos - [Strava]( My profile on Strava - [Flickr]( When I was heavily into photography, I uploaded a lot of my favourites to Flickr. Hasn't been updated in a very long time, but nice archive ## Contact If you'd like to chat about generalism, creativity or any of the projects featured here, feel free to email me at `jon {at} pincas {dot} eu`